You Personality Type Matters More Than You Think When It Comes To Wealth
Tai Lopez Apr 23, 2024
If you would rather watch the YouTube video I made talking about this, watch it above:

Getting good advice on social media is almost impossible. There’s too much conflicting advice on how to make money. It’s confusing.

As Warren Buffet says: “Success leaves clues”. So you must study people who are at the top. The key is knowing what to pay attention to. There is a big difference between causation and correlation.

What actually creates success will probably be different from what you think.

Seek Unbiased Insights

When looking for answers, consult experts who have devoted their lives to research without an agenda. Yes, scientists can be biased too, but aiming to find those who aren’t is key.

What personality traits and habits are most associated with financial success?

There is one personality trait, above all, that’s linked with success, I’ll talk about it later in this post. It’s not whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert.

Here’s an interesting point: Research is split on whether extroverts or introverts make more money. This suggests that maybe the specific personality type isn’t as crucial as we think in determining financial success.

The Danger Of Modern Advice

In the maze of social media, influencers often mix truth with error. You might hear that hard work and hustle are the keys to wealth. But think about it—if that were true, wouldn’t the hardest working people, like single parents working multiple jobs, be wealthy? This inconsistency is a clue that there might be more to the story.

I usually tell people:

"You can't outwork your problems; you need to outthink them."

Success isn’t just about hard labor but about smart, strategic actions.

What Matters?

Being conscientious and having high energy.

According to my mentor, Dr. David Buss, one of the worlds top Evolutionary Psychologists, conscientiousness is the psychological trait most linked with financial success.

There are 4 aspects to conscientiousness:
  1. Organization
  2. Prudence
  3. Diligence
  4. Perfectionism
Successful people are organized, they make good decisions, work hard, and are perfectionists.

So, hard work is only 25% of the puzzle.

But, even if you’re conscientious, if you don’t have the energy to follow through on what you’re doing, you’re not going to do what you need to do to succeed.

Here are some actionable tips that might work for you:
  1. Monitor Your Energy: Keep your physical energy high to handle demanding tasks—whether it means regular exercise or improving your sleep habits.
  2. Stay Organized: Being organized isn’t just about keeping your desk tidy; it's about planning your tasks strategically and adhering to those plans. As the saying goes “prepare for tomorrow, today.”
  3. Embrace Deep Work: Focus intensely on tasks that drive the most value, rather than getting lost in busy work, like incessant email checking. 2 hours of intense work are more productive than 8 hours where you’re scattered. Read the book Deep Work, by Cal Newport to dive deeper into this concept.
  4. Leverage Helpful Tools: Tools like Google Sheets or Todoist can help keep you on track. Setting a daily goal list can be incredibly beneficial. Sam Walton, the founder of WalMart, built a $240 billion dollar net worth because he used tools, he used technology. You need to use tech to succeed in the modern world.

Don’t Fall For Common Traps

Many fall into the trap of mimicking the habits of the successful without understanding the why behind them.

This isn’t about copying someone’s routine but about understanding what core actions drive their success and how it can be adapted to your context.

Cut through the noise, stop listening to influencers who just started to make money a couple of years ago.

The real test on whether someone knows how to make money is how long they’ve built and kept their wealth.

Who got wealthy, and stayed wealth for 10, 20, or 50 years? That’s who you should be paying attention to.

Pay attention to what those people do. Stop paying attention to what some 25 year old influencer says.

Stay strong,

Tai Lopez

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