Top 2 Productivity Hacks To Creating The Ultimate Work-Life Balance: Tai Lopez Thought Of The Day

Tai Lopez Jun 24, 2016
Want the good life? Then you must achieve the ultimate work-life balance. Now that doesn't mean you won't have to work long hours or drink lots of coffee from time to time. But working outrageously long hours with minimum sleep and no family time isn't a long term strategy. In fact, I believe it's a recipe for disaster. What's the point of having all the money in the world if you can barley get out of bed because you're so healthy. What's the point of having all the money in the world if your partner is starting to hate you. In order to life the good life you have to balance health, wealth, love and happiness. In this video I'll give you two productivity tips that I use to cut down my work house so I can take care of the other aspects in my life besides wealth.



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