The Best Thing To Say At A Dinner Party
Tai Lopez Oct 29, 2015
"I hope today is a day you find endless knowledge..."
This is my favorite party toast to give over dinner and wine.
I can think of no greater thing to wish on any human - endless knowledge.
The day you expand your mind is the day you wake up to the possibilities of doing big things with your life. 
Most people are "wanters and wishers."

They think that the mere hope or dream of the good life will somehow magically make it appear. 

If dreams were all we needed, then everyone would be living an amazing life.
But that's not the world we live in. At best, 0.001% of people have a life I would want to trade mine for. 
It's because people have been brainwashed into thinking that they "deserve" something from life. 
The U.S. Declaration of Independence is an amazing document and it might say that we all have the unalienable right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" but news flash -- biology and science teach a tougher story:
You and I deserve nothing.
What you want, you better pursue.
It ain't magically falling in your lap (no matter what mom, dad, or a piece of paper promised us). 
And you better pursue it through the acquisition of knowledge. 
That is the tried and true way. 
Warren Buffet reads 250-1000 pages a day. That's a knowledge seeker. 
How many pages are you reading?

Stay strong,



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