How To Travel The World and Make Money While Having Fun
Tai Lopez Oct 05, 2016
Here's the link to check out my interview with Sam:

How am I able to travel the world and make money while still having fun? Well, that's a very loaded question. But it's a question that I get all the time. And I get it. When I was in my 20's I often felt stuck in my location. That if I were to move and travel like I wanted too that my income would suffer, if not be lost altogether. Fortunately, I was able to crack the code. If you watch my snapchat you see that I travel all the time. Whether its to Game 7 of the NBA finals or my favorite country Norway, it seems like I'm always on the go. I'll be honest, it took me a lot of steps and hard work for me to get where I am today. I can tell you that it wasn't easy. But what I CAN say is that one of the first businesses that started me on my journey to financial independence was a consultancy business. In the video, I visit my business partner Sam Ovens in New York so he can teach you how you too can travel the world and make money while having fun with little to no experience.



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