How To Find Amazing People For Business Or Dating
Tai Lopez Sep 02, 2016
Where there is smoke, there is fire.

What does that mean?

This saying applies to business and relationships.

It comes from the thinking that when something seems wrong, it is wrong. For instance, if a button doesn't seem to work on your website, then there's a good chance it doesn't work for other people as well and you need to fix it right away.

When it comes to relationships, you want to find the "smoke" as soon as possible and determine whether it's manageable or not. If someone you meet shows subtle signs of being weird or crazy on the first day you met them, there's a great chance that they will show more signs in the long run.

You want to look for people who show no signs of "smoke". Or, if they do have signs, you need to evaluate if it is worth it for you. Everyone has their own values and if you don't mind about their weaknesses or faults, then it's completely fine and you can still be a good match.



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