How To Change Your Life
To change your life you have to possess a rare ability. The ability to thrive on change.
Most people perceive change as a threat. If they lose their job, get betrayed by a friend, or get hit by an unexpected bill, they freak out and revert to fear/panic mode.
Tai Lopez Mar 04, 2015

I was eating breakfast by the pool and reading today's Book-of-the-Day, "The Attacker's Advantage" by the famous business consultant, Ram Charan.
Charan says, "Recognize that uncertainty is an invitation to go on the attack..."
Use the tough situations life throws at you as a catalyst to make necessary changes. Remember, the "Good Life" doesn't go to those paralyzed by fear, it's won by those who attack even in the midst of tough situations. 
Ram Charan explains, "We all know that life is full of uncertainties, of course... forces now at work can explode the existing structure of your market space or your industry, putting it at risk of being drastically diminished or completely eliminated. These forces are long-term and irresistible. For those who are unprepared, the massive changes they bring are sudden bends in the road that appear seemingly without warning to obscure whatever future you envisioned for your business. But in a world economy projected to grow a net $30 trillion in the coming decade, human needs and wants are always changing. The opportunities are boundless for those who can anticipate and take control of them to create..." 
So what is a pending change in your life and career you have been afraid of that you will now attack and flip around into your next big opportunity?



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