How Mentors Can Make You Great
What do Michael Jordan, Al Pacino, Madonna, John Gotti, and Mickey Mantle know about greatness that you can apply to your life today?
How can you become sup
Tai Lopez Mar 26, 2015
The great TV host, Pat O'Brien stopped by my house and shared some answers - what he learned from 40 years in showbiz. 
You have to read his new autobiography, it's today's Book-Of-The-Day, "I'll Be Back Right After This."
My main takeaways were:
1. One mentor took him under his wing and made all the difference in his life.
2. Humility is hard when you are great at something, but without it you will be planting the seeds of your own eventual destruction.
3. Check out the video for the 5 things he learned from the best athletes to ever play.
I have never heard any of these before!



____ Tai... Thanks for putting this together. You may wish to consider T. Colin Campbell's "The China Study". Important information about how to optimize diet. A meat person & dairy farmer growing up, Dr. Campbell has been able to make some remarkable insights into the devastating effects chronic animal protein consumption has had on health, to include: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, meningitis, rheumatoid arthritis and the other so-called diseases of 'Western Affluence'. Bottom line is to manage a diet & lifestyle that promotes a slightly alkaline body chemistry. One need not test for alkalinity, it happens naturally as the adoption of helpful dietary & life habits occur. As a blue print for execution on this plan, you may wish to consider Dr. Barnet G. Meltzer's "Food Swings". After tens of thousands of consultations with patients, he has determined a fantastic list of the ten top nutrients & the top ten 'anti-nutrients'. For example, Because dairy & eggs are mucous producing in people they are contributors to chronic upper respiratory ailments. My own adoption of these principals has paid dividends. It can work for you, your team and clients as well. Best Regards...P. Brooks ____
551272   8 years ago

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