Depression: Break The Lethargy Cycle
Depression: How To Break The Lethargy Cycle. Tai Lopez. Harry Hudson. Jessica Serfaty
Tai Lopez Jan 27, 2016

I'm doing a Facebook Apple Watch entrepreneur tool giveaway in 24 hours about this video! I'm doing a new contest every day - I just announced "Kanoia F" - as yesterday's winner so don't miss out.

Go to the new video post on my verified Facebook  page to read how to win. 

Harry Hudson & Jessica Serfaty popped in when I was recording this video. It's important you understand how to break the lethargy cycle. Depression can be deadly if you don't know how to deal with it.

Get more updates from Jessica Serfaty & Harry Hudson by following 
them on Twitter: @JessicaSerfaty, & @RealHarryHudson

And Instagram: @JessicaSerfaty, & @HarryHudson

Stay strong, 



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