Chris Paul Playing Tai Lopez H.O.R.S.E
Chris Paul Playing Tai Lopez H.O.R.S.E: What You Can Learn 
Tai Lopez Feb 11, 2016
I played some NBA basketball with All-Star Chris Paul from the Los Angeles Clippers the other day. 

You can tell in sports interviews and on the NBA news that he's a nice guy with social skills. When I hung out with him, he made me feel welcome - he even gave me a pair of Chris Paul Player Exclusives. He's present in the moment.

People don't remember what you do, they remember how you make them feel.

Chris Paul is ruthless when he plays. But when you're hanging out he makes you feel good - and that's a real skill.

What can you learn from Chris Paul to apply in your life?
Don't forget to enter for a chance to win my "Entrepreneur Tool" giveaway. Follow me on Snapchat for contest details. 

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Stay strong,



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